Reduce Bounce Rate with a Proven Solution

Hello Bar is a simple, affordable and proven tool for websites to reduce bounce rate! πŸš€

Happy customers using Hello Bar to reduce bounce rate

Happy Customers

Proven Solution

Media Companies

Use Hello Bar to reduce bounce rates, thus increasing pageviews and revenues.

Media Companies

Recommend other products to lower bounce rate, thus increasing conversions and average order value.


Added to blog and content pages to drive visitors into other parts of their website to create interest and drive leads.

Helping Ambitious Companies Reduce Bounce Rates Since 2012.

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How Ambitious Companies Use Hello Bar To Reduce Bounce Rate

Capture Attention

Hello Bar’s units are created by designers and conversion specialists to capture attention while being polite.

Encourage Additional Engagement

Websites use Hello Bar to drive engagement and activity – for example, to recommend related articles and products or to announce news.


Hello Bar increases conversions by an average of 83%, thus reducing bounce rate – this means more email subscribers, customers and leads.

How To Use Hello Bar To Reduce Bounce Rate

Add Hello Bar

Sign up for Hello Bar and add the Hello Bar script directly into your website or use our integrations to connect with a wide variety of site creators, CMS systems, stores and more. We have direct integrations with leading CMS options and have a partnership with Zapier to enable just about any other hooks to make adding Hello Bar to your workflow quick and easy.

Define Unit Placements

Determine which unit placements you want to use to help reduce bounce rates on your website. For example, you may want to use Hello Bar’s original top bar to announce a new article. Or, you may want to use a pop up modal to direct users to a specific page. Or, you may want to use a bottom bar to recommend a related product.

Set Triggers

You can choose to capture the attention of your visitors at various times in their journey with your website. It’s common for our customers to include an exit-triggered unit to bring people back in with special offers, incentives, or recommended pages. But, you can also trigger Hello Bar units based on time, scroll, and a series of other behaviors.

Target & Personalize

Often times people bounce because they don’t believe the site or page is relevant to them. With Hello Bar, you can personalize and target messaging to your visitors based on a series of things. Hello Bar’s advanced targeting includes pre-built targeting options as well as the ability to add custom targeting rules. This means that users will be more apt to continue browsing your site because your units will match what your audience is looking for.

Proven Templates

We have been helping websites reduce bounce rates for over a decade and have proven templates designed by designers and conversion specialists to reduce bounce rate.

Advanced Targeting

With advanced targeting and personalization features, Hello Bar increases the likelihood that you will reduce your bounce rate and achieve other conversion goals.

Very Flexible

You can use Hello Bar to hit a variety of conversion goals – from building up an email list to reducing bounce rate to redirecting users to other pages…and more.


Hello Bar has its own tracking and is easy to connect to GA4. It also has many built-in optimization and testing features to take your CRO to the next level.

10+ Years Helping Websites Reduce Bounce Rates

Since 2012, Hello Bar has been helping ambitious websites reduce bounce rates, increase engagements,
convert more visitors and grow revenue.

“The key to grow is to get more of the 99% of your website visitors that bounce to take an action. Hello Bar is proven to do that and I have used it on my own sites for 10+ years.”


Neil Patel, famed internet marketer

“Using a Hello Bar at the top of our website, reduced our bounce rate, helped us generate $52,223 in revenue by building an email list and driving leads to a quiz that qualified visitors and sent the right ones to a sales page. It increased our overall lead capture by 37.96%.”

Lead Quizzes Logo

Jeremy Ellens, Conversion expert & Founder LeadQuizzes

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We drive a lot of traffic for our clients but, like all websites, they see big bounce rates. We have recommended Hello Bar to a lot of our clients and they have thanked us for it.”

Mike K.

Neil Patel Digital

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We were seeing large bounce rates – visitors would visit one product and then bounce. After adding Hello Bar, our visitors have stayed longer, engaged more and bought more products.”

Raul D.

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We have a lot of freelancers who help their clients with conversion rate optimization. Tools like Hello Bar are a key tool many of these freelancers recommend to quickly and easily increase conversion rates and reduce bounce rates.”

Dan M.

Growth Collective


“Our sites were suffering from huge bounce rates with an average of only 1.2 pageviews per visitor. Since adding Hello Bar our pageviews have doubled and this has resulted in a surge in revenue. It’s the highest ROI tool we have on our sites.”

Bryan J.

CRO for Media Group


FAQs For Reducing Bounce Rate WIth Hello Bar β€”find key insights on using it to reduce your bounce rate with answers to common questions.

How long does it take to add Hello Bar?

You can add Hello Bar in under five minutes if you use one of our direct integration partners or one of our apps available in app stores from our CMS partners. Even if you want to add Hello Bar directly into your website, most people can do that within 15 minutes and you don’t need an engineer. We have clear instructions of how to add Hello Bar within our app and in our FAQs.

How much can Hello Bar reduce my bounce rate?

We get that question all the time. And, the simple answer is…if implemented right…it can reduce your bounce rate by a lot and quickly. However, each site will see a bit different results. We have customers who have reduced their bounce rates by over 90% and it has been a key part of them being successful as a company.

We also have customers who have had more modest improvements but still have seen an increase in traffic and revenue. The key is to take the time to really get the most out of Hello Bar and our many features.

What are some important things to do in using Hello Bar to reduce bounce rate?

Like any tool, the more you put into Hello Bar the more you will get out of it. Setting Hello Bar up is simple, quick and easy. And adding a simple exit unit often leads to a pretty significant improvement.

However, if you really want to make massive strides in your bounce rate, we suggest: 1) Testing multiple different unit types across different pages of your site; 2) Using the built in A/B testing to test different messaging and designs; 3) Trying different triggers to see which are most effective; 4) Setting goals of the improvement you want to see in your bounce rate and communicating that across your team; 5) Put tracking in place to test how your Hello Bars are performing against these goals so you build a testing culture; 6) Use targeting and personalization features to make you Hello Bar units match your visitor’s interests and beheviors. This will increase the likelihood that your visitors will stay engaged and not bounce.

There are plenty more things you can do to elevate your conversion game even further with Hello Bar but the above is a good start.

Who uses Hello Bar to reduce bounce rates?

Hello Bar has been around since 2012 and we have helped over 600,000 websites achieve conversion goals – from reducing bounce rate, to increasing conversion rate, to building up email lists and much more.

Media companies are some of the biggest users of Hello Bars for bounce rate improvements. This is because media companies will typically make money based on pageviews. By using Hello Bar, media companies and bloggers can increase pageviews and ad impression and this can help improve revenues. And, while we enjoy partnering with large companies across industries, we love helping little companies figure out how to scale too.

Hello Bar Is A Proven Solution For Websites To Reduce Bounce Rate

Most People Who Visit A Website Will Bounce & That’s Not Good For Your Business

Most people who visit a website will bounce after only visiting one page on that site and not click on a single thing on your site. One page! And, no actions! That’s not good. In fact, Hubspot reports that the average bounce rate for B2B websites is 56% and the average bounce rate for B2C websites is 45%.

And, it might be obvious, but if most people bounce …that’s not good for your business. That means a missed opportunity on that particular visit and, even worse, means that visitor probably won’t return. This means an even bigger missed opportunity–the opportunity to earn loyal visitors and customers for the long run.

What Exactly Is A Bounce Rate?

A bounce rate is the percentage of your visitors who land on a page on your website and don’t click on anything on that page and don’t visit a second page. So, let’s say that 100 people come to your site. 50 of those people, leave without doing anything more on your site, your bounce rate would be 50%.

Even Small Improvements In Your Bounce Rate Can Make A Big Difference

Even small improvements in your bounce rate can make a big difference in the success of your business. Let’s use the above example. If 50 out of 100 people currently bounce before doing anything else on your website, then that means there are only 50 people left that can become a customer, lead or email subscriber. Let’s say that 10% of those people take some kind of action. That’s 5 out of 100 people who you have a decent chance of turning into a customer now or in the future. So, even if you can improve your bounce rate by 20%, you may just be able to earn a customer…a customer that may be the difference between you being successful or not.

So, Just How Can A Website Reduce Bounce Rate?

In order to reduce a website’s bounce rate, it is important to:

Provide the information the visitor was hoping to get when they arrived

Users visit a webpage or website for a reason. The key is to match the reason they came with what they get when they arrive. For example, if they want a review on the new iPhone and they land on a page that is about the new iPad, they will bounce. Or, if they want an easy recipe for tonight’s dinner and arrive on a recipe site page that is a recipe that will take four hours, they will bounce.

Make sure the information or product you provide is high quality

If you want people to stay, you have to give them a reason to stay. So, in addition to matching their intent, you need to provide them something of quality.

Provide a good reason for the user to take an action

Do you want somebody to subscribe to your newsletter. Well, you can’t just say “subscribe to my newsletter”. Instead, you have to give them a reason to subscribe to your newsletter that matters to THEM NOT YOU.

Recommend other things the visitor can do on your website

You need to let your visitors know there are other cool stuff on your website. Therefore, you should recommend other pages or articles or products based on why the user showed up in the first place.

Offer incentives for people to stay

Give incentives for people to stay on your site or do more. For example, if you are an e-commerce site, give them a coupon that can only be used for that session. If they bounce/leave, that coupon is no longer valid.

Add site search functionality if you are a large website

If you are a robust website, it may be difficult for your visitors to find exactly what they are looking for. So, consider adding site search to your site to help your users. There are many plug ‘n play site search solutions out there.

Eliminate things that create a poor user experience

Visitors bounce if a website is confusing or has a poor user experience. So, make your site less confusing. Visitors bounce when a page loads slowly. So, tackle slow page loads. Site visitors bounce when there are too many ads. So, respect the user experience. Be your site visitors are treated to a good user experience when they arrive.

Optimize for mobile and desktop visitors

Make sure that people that arrive on your site from mobile devices have a good user experience. With the massive percentage of people who use mobile devices to search and discover online these days, there is no excuse for your site to not be mobile-optimized.

All the above are important in reducing a website’s bounce rate. But, keep in mind–you can’t just do one of them. Usually, it’s a series of activities that will lead to improvements.

You Can Use Hello Bar To Do Most Of Those Things

Hello Bar can personalize messages to site visitors based on user variables

Hello Bar units can be personalized with messages based on what you know about the user. For example, if somebody clicked on a Google keyword from paid acquisition or through organic traffic, you can tailor your message in Hello Bar based on what they clicked on. This means there is a higher chance that the visitor feels that your site or page will give them the information they hoped to get when arrived at your site.

With Hello Bar you can highlight other things for that user to do on your site

For example, if website visitors arrived on your site wanting a quick recipe they can make for dinner this evening, you can provide internal links to other recipes on your site. Or, you can offer to send them a weekly list of recipes for quick dinner ideas.

You can use Hello Bar to offer incentives for people to stay

If you are an e-commerce store, you can offer a coupon that can only be used for that session or for certain products within your website.

You can also use Hello Bar to show your visitors how taking an action can benefit them

Again, you can target your Hello Bar units with different designs, messaging and CTAs based on a ton of different variables. This means that your visitors will feel that by taking an action, they are going to gain something that matters to them.

Hello Bar Is A Proven Solution To Reduce Bounce Rate

Hello Bar has been used on over 600,000 websites over the last 12+ years. That’s a lot of sites. And, in that time, we have learned a few things about how to reduce bounce rate. Our templates and triggers and features are all based on our learnings over the last 12+ years. For example, you can set our Hello Bar units to serve when somebody goes to exit your website. Just that simple addition could reduce your bounce rate significantly. But, there are so many more features that can help.

Hello Bar helps increase user engagement & higher user engagement can help with search rankings

Google and other search engines consider engagement levels from websites in their algorithm. If they see traffic is just coming and bouncing without any action, they often ding those websites in the search rankings. So, if you can increase user engagement, you will reduce your bounce rate. And, if you can reduce your site’s bounce rate, Google may just love you more for it.

Hello Bar has features specifically for keeping bouncing visitors on your site

Did we mention we have been doing this for 12+ years?! In that time we have built a number of features specifically for keeping bouncing visitors on your site. Some of these are simple and others are complicated. The key is just to get started and test some of these different features. Remember, the more website visitors you can get to do something on your site before leaving…the more revenue you can eventually earn.

If You Want To Reduce Bounce Rate, You Have To Track Your Progress

In your efforts to reduce your bounce rates, you must set goals and track performance. The good news is that Google Analytics makes it easy to do this.

Bounce rate is a default metric within Google Analytics, making it easy to track. However, you need to combine tracking within Google Analytics with clear goals. For example, let’s say Google Analytics shows that your bounce rate has been 50% on average the last three months. Well, set a goal to get that down to 45% within three months and to 40% within 12 months.

That doesn’t sound like a lot, but reducing your bounce rate that much will have a massive positive impact on your business.

Why Hello Bar Is So Effective In Reducing Bounce Rate

Hello Bar is easy to use

There are a ton of different tools and strategies you can use for bounce rate reduction. Some are simple and some are more advanced. And, ultimately, you should use a few different tools, strategies and tactics. But, Hello Bar can sit alongside all of those and is a piece of cake to set up and use. In fact, we have won many awards and received great reviews for our ease of use.

Proven templates

Hello Bar has been around since 2012 and we have learned a lot. Our templates enable companies to add beautiful and high-converting units directly on their webpages. These templates have been designed by pro designers and conversion specialists. And, we have templates that are specifically aimed at reducing bounce rate.

There are so many ways to reduce a bounce rate and those are easy with Hello Bar

There are a lot of ways you can reduce the bounce rate on a website. You can recommend other pages, recommend other products, offer incentives for people to stay, and so much more. And, all of those are easy to add with Hello Bar.

Hello Bar Drives Easy ROI Through Reducing Bounce Rates

Its really simple math. If you can get your visitors to stay, you should be able to get more of their attention. If you get more of their attention, the likelihood that they are going to do something on your site increases. If more of your visitors do something on your site, it is also likely that they will do something that helps you earn more money.

They will visit more pages (helping you to show more ads) or view more products in a store (and increasing the chances they find something that interests them), or learn more about your company (increasing the opportunity to work together). And, all of this adds up to massive ROI for Hello Bar.

Be Sure To Have Clear Goals When Working On Your Bounce Rate

Just saying you want to improve your bounce rate is not good enough. Be more specific and communicate those goals within your team. This will help keep bounce rate top of mind and build a testing culture. For example, if your current bounce rate is 60%, set a goal to reduce it to 55% within 3 months, 50% within 6 months and 40% within 12 months. Then, track against that KPI on a regular basis.

Make data-driven decisions

With your goals in place, determine which activities are effective and which aren’t so you can make data-driven decisions on which activities to invest more or less in.

Create a testing culture within your organization

Encourage your entire team to conduct regular and specific tests. Use A/B testing and other experimentation to optimize the checkout process and improve the effectiveness of your abandoned cart recovery strategy.

Gather user feedback to find areas for improvement.

Make sure people feel supported in taking risks.

Conclusion: Create A Clear Strategy To Improve Your Bounce Rate & Include Hello Bar In Those Efforts

Improving your bounce rates can significantly increase engagement rates on your website and this can lead to traffic and revenue improvements.

A clear bounce rate improvement strategy should include a combination of tactics. After all, improving your bounce rate will, likely, be a stack of small wins.

Set clear goals and remember to track and analyze your bounce rate.

Build a culture of testing and optimization to regularly make strides in improving your bounce rate.