32 Email Marketing Statistics To Highly Increase Your Conversions

Email marketing statistics are available all over the Internet, so I thought I’d compile a handy resource here for anyone who wants to learn how to increase their conversions with email. Knowing the data ahead of time can help you make more informed decisions about your email marketing campaigns.

Email Marketing Curious Facts

Email Marketing Curious Facts

Did you know that the first email was sent way back in 1971? Ray Tomlinson sent a nonsense email to himself just to see if it worked.

That means, as of 2018, email has been around for 47 years. You might not have gotten your own address until much later, but email has a long and illustrious history.

Why not take advantage of it?

Today, nearly 50 percent of emails are considered spam. You don’t want your emails to fall into that category, so it’s essential to use email marketing statistics to create a valuable and effective campaign that results in subscriber satisfaction.

Important Email Marketing Stats Metrics

Before we delve into some of the most startling email marketing statistics, I want to talk about metrics. Although statistics can help you design your email campaigns, you need to collect your own data, analyze it, and use it to improve lead capture and other conversions.

CTR (Click Through Rate)

CTR refers to the percentage of your email subscribers who click on a call to action (CTA) within your emails. Click-through rates are notoriously low across industries, but you can improve yours by creating better value through email marketing.

Email Open Rate

Your open rate is the percentage of subscribers who actually open your emails. As I said before, people get tons of email, and they consider half of it spam. If your email subject lines don’t entice your audience, they’ll delete your emails unread.

Email Conversion Rate

Your email conversion rate describes the percentage of visitors who take a definitive action based on your email. They use your coupon code, buy a product that you’ve discounted, or otherwise spend money on your website.

ROI (Return on Investment)

Email has an excellent ROI for most marketers. It’s extremely inexpensive, so even if you only generate a few dollars, you can turn your email marketing campaign into a huge windfall for your company.

What is Email Marketing ROI?

You can calculate your own ROI by subtracting the amount of money you spend on email marketing from the total revenue you generate through email campaigns.

Let’s say, for instance, that you spend $99 per month on email marketing. Over 30 days, you generate $2,000 in sales from your emails.

That makes your email marketing ROI $1,901. Pretty impressive.

What is Considered a Good Email Marketing Conversion Rate?

We know that email marketing is effective.

What is Considered a Good Email Marketing Conversion Rate?

Today’s email marketing statistics don’t lie. You can use this medium to attract more leads and convert them into customers.

This doesn’t mean that all the numbers are impressive, though.

In 2017, the average email campaign results across industries were:

  • Average Open Rate: 24.79%
  • Average Click Through Rate: 4.19%

So, about a quarter of your subscribers will open your emails and fewer than 5 percent will click.

Depressing, right?

But that doesn’t mean email marketing isn’t effective. Quite the opposite, in fact, which is what I’m going to show you through other email marketing statistics.

How to Grow Your Email List Using Hello Bar

Before you can start collecting your own email marketing statistics, you need subscribers. And before that, you need a reliable way to collect leads.

That’s where Hello Bar comes in.

Create a top bar for your website that allows people to sign up for your email list. Include an enticing lead magnet to get them to click.

How to Grow Your Email List Using Hello Bar

You can also create other types of bars, such as sliders and exit popups, to increase your signup rates.

7 Awesome B2B Email Marketing Stats

If you’re in the B2B space, you’ll want to focus first on email marketing statistics that address B2B audiences. That way, you’re making educated assumptions about your specific audience.

1. 86% of Professionals Prefer Email To Communicate About Business Deals

Business professionals are really busy. They don’t have time to answer the phone, so they’d rather hear from you via email.

When you’re reaching out to decision-makers at companies, use their corporate email addresses. You can still invite them to schedule a phone call, but let them do it on their terms.

2. CTRs are 47% Higher for B2B Email Campaigns Compared to B2C Email Campaigns

Here’s some good news for B2B marketers. Click-through rates beat B2C emails by nearly 50 percent, which means you have a greater chance of converting your audience.

Like all email marketing statistics, this will vary depending on your business and email campaign. However, it’s nice to know that you’re more likely to get engagement if you’re in the B2B space.

3. According to Email Marketing Statistics Studies, Tuesday is The Best Day of The Week To Send B2B Emails

Want to increase your open and click-through rates? Consider sending your emails on Tuesday.

According to Email Marketing Statistics Studies, Tuesday is The Best Day of The Week To Send B2B Emails

It beats every other week day by a whopping 44 percent.

4. 59% of B2B Marketers Say Email Campaigns Are the Most Profitable Marketing Channel

Sometimes, it helps to hear from those in the trenches. Nearly 60 percent of B2B marketers cite email marketing as the best marketing channel.

That should tell you something.

If you’re not collecting email addresses and sending emails regularly, you’re leaving money on the table.

5. B2B Emails Are the Third Most Used Source of Information – Behind Colleagues’ Recommendations and Industry-Specific Influencers

People use emails when they’re making decisions for their businesses. They want to know what options exist and why one product or service might be more attractive than another.

That’s why you have to collect B2B email addresses and communicate with your audience. People are listening.

6. On Average, the Number of Real Business Email Received Per Day Has Been The Same Since 2015

You’ve heard marketers squawk about how email volume keeps increasing, but that’s simply not true — at least, not in the B2B space. Professionals are receiving roughly the same amount of email that they did in 2015.

This doesn’t mean you should spam potential customers’ inboxes. Don’t. But you shouldn’t feel guilty about keeping in regular touch.

7. On Average, the Daily Number of Spam Business Emails That Bypass Security Filters Has Increased From 12 in 2015 to 16 in 2017

But here’s where it gets interesting.

You know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? So is spam.

What one person considers spam, another sees as treasure. That’s what makes email marketing statistics so important. You need to know what your audience wants so you don’t get considered spam.

25 Amazing Generic and B2C Email Marketing Statistics

Now that we’ve covered the B2B space specifically, I want to get into B2C and combined email marketing statistics. You might be surprised by what you learn.

1. On Average, 30% of U.S. Retail Stores’ Email List Subscribers Have Made a Purchase From the Retailers They Subscribed To

If you’re in the e-commerce space, rejoice. Your audience is likely to make a purchase if they’re subscribed to your email list.

2. On Average, Welcome Emails Generate 320% More Revenue on a Per-Email Basis Compared to Promotional Emails

If you’re not sending welcome emails, you should start. They’re highly effective when it comes to generating revenue.

On Average, Welcome Emails Generate 320% More Revenue on a Per-Email Basis Compared to Promotional Emails

Think about it. When someone visits your site and signs up for your email list, you’re already top-of-mind. Then they get an email from you that warmly welcomes you to their list. Maybe there’s an incentive involved.

Boom! You’ve generated revenue. The subscriber clicks through and buys something.

3. Email Subscribers Are 300% More Likely to Share Your Store’s Social Media Posts

Brand awareness matters. When you have more contact points or touch points with your audience, they’re more likely to remember you.

More importantly, they’ll interact with you. When people are receiving your emails, they’ll recognize your brand on social. Many of them will share your posts if they think your content will benefit their friends and family members.

4. About 77% of People Prefer to Receive Promotional Messages Via Email Compared to Others Ways

If you ask me, email is the perfect communication medium. Phone calls and text messages are far more disruptive. I have my phone with me all the time, so I can’t always engage when I receive a call or SMS.

However, I can check my email whenever I want. It’s not intrusive because I control the timing. Remember that when you’re designing your marketing strategies.

5. On Average, People Who Make Purchases Via Email Spend 138% More Than People Who Don’t Receive Email Offers

Have you ever been to the dollar store? You know that everything costs a buck, so you’re more likely to fill your basket with tons of stuff — even stuff you don’t need.

As consumers, we’re easily wooed by a bargain. When you’re sending emails with coupon codes, free shipping offers, and other incentives, people will buy more.

6. 9% of People Ages 18 to 24 Use Their Phones to  Check Email

Mobile is revolutionizing email marketing. It’s also throwing businesses for a loop.

9% of People Ages 18 to 24 Use Their Phones to  Check Email

If you’re not optimizing your emails for mobile, you’re losing customers. It’s that simple. And if your target demographic is people between the ages of 18 and 24, you’re really doing yourself a disservice.

7. Men and Women Are Equally Likely to Convert From Email Marketing

Here’s a shocker. People usually expect a huge divide between the sexes when it comes to just about everything, but it doesn’t exist in email marketing as a whole.

8. Women Are More Likely to Convert on a Tablet

There is a divide, however, when it comes to the types of devices people use. Women like to make purchases on their tablets.

9. Men Are More Likely to Convert on a Phone

The guys on your email list, however, are more likely to be using their phones.

10. 73% of Millennials Prefer to Use Email for Business-Related Communications

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has had any interaction with millennials. This generation loves their mobile devices, and they’re extremely technologically savvy. They want to hear from you via email because they’re comfortable with the medium.

11. Plain Text Emails Get Higher Open Rates than HTML Emails

We all want our emails to look fancy, but email marketing statistics suggest we should simplify instead. People are wary of viruses and other problems associated with HTML emails, so consider going back to plain text.

12. On Average, Nonprofit Organizations Lose About $15,000 Yearly Due to Spam Filters

Nonprofits face an uphill battle according to email marketing statistics. Their messages frequently wind up in spam filters, which means they can’t collect donations.

Using a plain text format, improving email subject lines, and avoiding spam-related messaging can help.

13. Segmented Email Campaigns Have a 14% Higher Open Rate and a 95% Click-Through Rate Compared to Non-Segmented Email Campaigns

I’ve talked a lot about segmenting your email lists here on the blog. If you’re not doing it, maybe the statistic above will convince you to segment.

There are lots of ways to do this. I recommend using the buyer’s journey and segmenting based on where your subscribers fall in the conversion funnel.

That way, you’re sending the right messages at the right time.

14. By 2019, the World Will Have 2.9 Billion Active Email Users

Nearly 3 billion people will be using email regularly by next year. How crazy is that? And what percentage of those billions of users fall into your target market?

If you’re not building an email list now, it’s time to start. You don’t want to miss out on all that marketing goodness.

15. The Pet and Animal Services Industry Has the Highest Email Open Rates

People love their pets. They spend tons of money on the Fluffys and Rovers of the world, and it doesn’t stop there. You have geckos, chinchillas, rats, snakes, and dozens of other types of pets.

Consequently, people in this industry get tons of ROI from their email marketing campaigns.

16. 28% of Consumers Would like to Receive More Than One Weekly Promotional Email

Why do people sign up for your email list? They want better deals!

Think about the lead magnet you used to get people to sign up. If you promised regular discounts and other goodies, those subscribers want to get promotional emails. So send them regularly.

17. Video Emails Have a 96% Higher CTR Compared to Non-Video Emails

Why do you think people spend so much time on YouTube? They love watching videos.

If you embed videos in your emails, you’re more likely to boost CTR. It’s that simple.

Your video could be instructional, humorous, or a product demo. It doesn’t matter. Just get on camera and talk to your audience.

18. Do Not Use The Word “Donate” in Your Subject Lines – It Reduces Open Rates By 50% On Average

The word “donate” has a negative connotation for many consumers. As a rule, we don’t like to part with our cash, even if we want to be generous.

Eliminate that word from your subject lines. Use positive language instead to increase open rates for your nonprofit.

19. 205 Billion Emails Are Sent Daily

205 Billion Emails Are Sent Daily

There’s a lot of competition out there, folks. Keep that in mind when you’re designing your email marketing campaign, from email copywriting to image use to value-rich content.

20. Email Marketing Has a Higher Conversion Rate Than Social Media and Search Traffic Combined

I’m not telling you to get off social media or forget SEO. However, I am encouraging you to boost your email marketing game.

The email marketing statistics don’t lie. You’re more likely to convert your audience on an offer if you reach out to them via email than if you post on social or get search traffic for your blog.

21. The Best Times to Send an Email Are 10 a.m. and Between 8 p.m. and Midnight

You don’t have to get too obsessed with precise timing. As I said before, people check their emails whenever the mood strikes.

However, data shows that the best results come from emails that are sent either at 10 a.m. or between 8 p.m. and 12 a.m. Do with that what you will.

22. On Average, 30% of Users Unsubscribe From Email Lists That Are Not Sending Mobile Friendly Emails

I’ve already mentioned the importance of optimizing your email for mobile. You could lose 30 percent of your subscribers from this one issue alone, so don’t chance it.

23. On Average, Subject Lines Containing Emojis Have a Higher Read Rate Compared to Text-Only Subject Lines

Love them or hate them, emojis have taken over the world. We love putting those little icons in our texts, emails, blog posts — you name it.

24. Subject Lines With Words Like “Urgent,” “Important,” and “Alert” Are Proven to Have Higher Open Rates

Urgency sells. We see it all the time, whether it’s a Black Friday sale at a big box store or an email you send to your subscribers.

But don’t throw down words like “important” unless you truly have something important to say. Similarly, if your email content doesn’t contain a time-sensitive offer, don’t claim urgency in the subject line.

25. On Average, Personalized Subject Lines Increase Open Rates By 29%

On Average, Personalized Subject Lines Increase Open Rates By 29%

We like the look of our own names. That comes through in email marketing statistics over and over again. If you want to boost open rates by up to 30 percent, include your subscribers’ names in the subject lines.

You can also use company names if you’re marketing to a B2B audience. Incorporate personalization into the email body, as well, if you want more interaction.


It’s pretty clear from email marketing statistics that this is a fantastic medium for reaching your audience. Don’t squander it.

Use Hello Bar to collect email addresses from your website visitors. You might as well take advantage of your existing website traffic.

But don’t forget about the email marketing itself. Engage, entertain, inspire, educate, and wow your audience with your email content. You’ll get far more interaction that way.

What’s your best email marketing tip?