29 Best Abandoned Cart Email Examples: Increase Sales Today

People who visit your website aren’t necessarily looking for something to buy. However, when they put things in their digital shopping carts, you want them to buy. That’s why it’s so important to study abandoned cart email examples and learn to create them yourself.

Abandoned shopping carts can significantly reduce your revenue. People get distracted, frustrated by the checkout process, or nervous about the price. Some get disconnected from their internet connections or decide to do some comparison shopping first.

Whatever the case, abandoned cart email examples can inspire you to bring those customers back.

What Is an Abandoned Cart Email?

An abandoned cart email is an email you send to people who have exited your site without buying the item(s) in their shopping carts. It’s away to remind them of what they wanted to buy so they come back and complete checkout.

Abandoned Cart Email Statistics

Based on the most recent statistics, up to three-quarters of shopping carts get abandoned. That’s huge. You could lose 75 percent of your potential revenue because of abandoned carts.

You might think that retail has the highest abandoned cart rate, but that title actually goes to the travel industry. People shop for tickets, reservations, and other hospitality services, then decide to go with someone else.

Abandoned Cart Email Statistics

There’s good news, too, though. Nearly 50 percent of consumers open abandoned cart emails. So, even if your customers leave items in their virtual shopping carts, there’s a way to bring them back.

What is a Good Abandoned Cart Email Conversion Rate?

Of the 46 percent of consumers who open emails about abandoned shopping carts, just over 14 percent tend to click. Of those, approximately one-third will convert by checking out with the items in their carts.

That’s a good baseline from which to start, but again, your results can vary by industry. Focus on testing different email layouts, design, and copy to get the best abandoned cart email conversion rate possible.

Abandoned Cart Email Timing: How Many Emails Should I Send to Recover the Most Sales?

Some brands only send one abandoned cart email, but adding three or four to your arsenal can help you recover more sales. When the consumer receives your first email, he or she might be too busy or distracted to act. If you remind the consumer multiple times, you might get a conversion.

Just make sure each email in your abandoned cart email drip campaign contains different imagery and copy. Surprise and delight your audience by being creative with your message.

How to Reduce Ecommerce Cart Abandonment

I’m going to show you some awesome abandoned cart email examples below, but first, I want to make clear that you can reduce abandoned carts from the get-go. If people don’t leave items in their carts, you don’t have to send emails.

This is why you need a multifaceted strategy for reducing abandoned carts. Email is great, but you can also catch users before they leave.

Try using Hello Bar to create an exit intent popup. It will appear on your checkout page when users attempt to click away without completing the purchase.

Feel free to get creative. If you want, offer a discount to incentivize the consumer to follow through.

How to Reduce Ecommerce Cart Abandonment

29 Best Abandoned Cart Email Examples to Inspire Your Next Campaigns

Now that we’ve set the stage, let’s get to those abandoned cart email examples. You don’t want to copy other brands, but a little inspiration never hurt anyone.

1. Amazon


We can always expect Amazon to deliver amazing customer service and marketing. If you leave an item in your cart with your Amazon account, you might receive an email like this one. It’s personalized with your full name and includes a picture if the item(s) in your cart as well as the name.

I like the simple CTA: “View Cart.” It’s not too aggressive, but it makes the point.

2. Nike


Nike knocks it out of the park, too. Instead of going for clean, simple, and minimalist, Nike uses a hero image with a primary headline. You’ll see a picture of what’s in your cart as well as a reminder about the company’s free shipping policy.

What I love most, though, is the “YOU MAY ALSO LIKE” section. That’s a great strategy for luring people back to your site.

3. Revolve


Revolve does a nice job of representing its brand in this abandoned cart email example. The CTAs have different text, but they’re rendered in the same way — white on black rectangles — and you can see what you forgot in your cart.

4. J.Crew


I like J.Crew’s classy approach. In addition to letting the customer know that there are items in his or her shopping cart, there are also CTAs for other pages on the site in case the consumer might want to look at new arrivals, fall finds, or looks J.Crew loves.

5. Reebok


Reebok takes the tough-love approach with a “Give No Excuses” headline. It works here because of the brand and its audience. There’s an immediate CTA to check out, but if you scroll down, you see items in the abandoned cart, plus a subtle CTA to coninue shopping and a bolder one to check out.

6. Nordstrom


A question is a great headline among abandoned cart email examples. It works here for Nordstrom in a funky script. I also like the “Did You Know” and “Free Shipping/Free Returns” notices at the bottom. You’ll notice the line that conveys urgency: “our popular looks go fast.” This is a great hint to the consumer that he or she better check out quickly.

7. Bonobos


Here’s one of our minimalist abandoned cart email examples. I might add a photograph of the image left in the cart, but the number tells the consumer how many items there are. However, Bonobos makes up for leaving out the product image by offering a special coupon code directed at the new customer.

8. Bespoke Post

Bespoke Post

This email from Bespoke Post caught my eye because of the copy at the top: “Congratulations! You qualify for free shipping!” That’s a great way to hook the reader. It’s a pretty simple email otherwise with a “View Cart” CTA. It’s always best to include product images, but simplicity can help with conversions.

9. Mango


This is one of several abandoned cart email examples I’ve seen that leads with urgency. The message is crystal clear here: “Complete your order before they’re gone!” Mango includes not only the product image, but also the size the consumer chose, the color, the quantity, and the price. There high-contrast, repeating CTAs work in Mango’s favor.

10. Chubbies


You have to love humor, right? Chubbies doesn’t go over the top, but inspires a giggle that aligns with the brand. You’re not just going to your cart — Chubbies offers to “teleport” you there. Plus, the wording is consistent throughout, which places an emphasis on branding.

11. Jessops


This Jessops email also includes a list of product images and descriptions below the cut, but I wanted to emphasize the email copywriting here. The store is dedicated to photography and videography, so the CTA pops off the screen with unusual wording: “Snap up your basket.” This reflects the definition of the word “snap” in the photography world. Well done.

12. AllBeauty.com


Personalization can work on a lot of levels, as I’ve shared in other blog posts. In this abandoned cart email example from AllBeauty.com, the customer’s name doesn’t appear. There’s no specific allusion to the individual receiving the email, yet it still feels personal.

For one thing, the words “for you” imply intimacy. It’s something done just for you. Second, the company makes “Your Basket” the same color as the “Checkout Now” CTA. Awesome emphasis on “you.”

13. Dot & Bo

Dot & Bo

Here, we have a headline that’s sure to resonate with readers. Dot & Bo very subtly implies urgency and scarcity: “It’s Still Available.” That suggests it might not be if the customer waits too long to check out. There’s also a second, subtler CTA below the “View Item” button that invites the recipient to check out all current sales.

14. Huckberry


In copywriting, they say to lead with the most important thing. That’s what Huckberry does here with the headline “Shipping = Free.” It’s a creative way to state the incentive for checking out. Plus, you see the product image, description, quantity, and price, and there are multiple options for contacting the company if customers have trouble with the checkout process.

15. Levis


Levi’s turns up the urgency button pretty heavily here, and it works. The contrasting CTA stands out, and the geometric design draws the eye. I really like the thought that went into the design of this email. It’s one of the most creative abandoned cart email examples I’ve seen.

16. Forever 21

Forever 21

Countdown timers can work in lots of places, including abandoned shopping cart emails. Forever 21 wants you to know that it will save your items, but only for the next 24 hours. After that, the cart goes away.

17. Kate Spade New York

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I like abandoned cart email examples that include multiple incentives. As long as you have a great email subject line to get people to open your messages, adding extra benefits to checking out can only increase conversions. In this example from Kate Spade New York, we have a discount code for 15 percent off as well as free shipping. Plus, there’s urgency: You only have two weeks to use the code.

18. Doggyloot

2018 08 31 06 17 48 Window

You have to love a picture of a cute dog, right? This email is precious, but not overly so. I like the line, “Hurry, don’t let these deals run away.” It’s reflective of the brand and its audience. Then, you have the closer: Lots of licks,” and the CTA: “Fetch your items now.” This email has a ton going for it.

19. Shutterfly

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We have a few abandoned cart email examples like this one from Shutterfly. There are no product images, but the CTA is pretty compelling. You get 20 percent off with your promo code, but you only have a short time to take advantage. The trust signal — 100 percent guarantee — also goes a long way toward getting people to convert.

20. Ugmonk

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Here’s the thing: great design can make an email more likely to convert your leads. However, lots of images weigh down the email, and many people only enable plain text.

When you send an email like this one from Ugmonk, you’re catering to your entire audience. It’s clean, text-only, and straight to the point. Plus, the copy does a great job of engaging leads.

21. Madewell


I love a good play on words. The headline on this abandoned cart email from Madewell — These Look Good In Your Bag — really hits home. Then you have the subheadline kicker: …but they would look even better on you.

Below the cut, Madewell shows you the items in your cart to help remind you of what you wanted. It’s a clean, sleek email that works on multiple levels.

22. Venus

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There’s never a wrong time to compliment your audience, as we saw above in the Madewell example. This one from Venus uses the same psychology in its headline: “You have great taste!” Who doesn’t like to hear that?

You also have an incentive in the form of free shipping and a list of items you left behind.

23. Bloomingdale’s


I’m not a Bloomingdale’s shopper, but I’m aware of the big brown bags for which they’re known. This example does a great job of reinforcing the brand, then uses the phrase “My Brown Bag” to speak to the customer in his or her language.

24. Mack Weldon

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We have another complimentary example here. Mark Weldon lays it on a little thick, but it gets the job done while combining urgency and scarcity. I love that the CTA sticks out from the otherwise neutral palette.

25. Toys “R” Us and Babies “R” Us

2018 08 31 06 24 07 Window

Frankly, I expected more from Toys “R” Us. While the giraffe image is cute, it’s a little too clipart-y. And the multiple CTAs can cause confusion. I like that the company thanks its visitors, but this email could be spiced up by adding product images and some engaging copy.

26. Thrive Market

2018 08 31 06 25 01 Window

Here’s an interesting take from a large pool of abandoned cart email examples. Thrive Market tells you how much you’ll save by purchasing your items from them versus other retailers. Again, we have the blue CTA button with otherwise neutral colors.

27. BlackMilk

2018 08 31 06 26 08 Window

I’m surprised more brands don’t use meme-style designs for their abandoned cart emails. This one of an adorable puppy captures my attention immediately. The “Why Did You Leave Me?” headline makes you want to click on the CTA below this screenshot and buy something. It’s a great example from clothing brand BlackMilk.

28. Pacsun

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Many abandoned cart email examples use the idea that the consumer just forgot to check out. It’s assumed. Instead of suggesting that the customer didn’t want the item, you take the position that the product is extremely desirable. Pacsun does a great job with copy and imagery to create urgency.

29. Peak Design

Peak Design

Here, we have a little blunder from Peak Design. The email is fantastic, including the product image and the hero image, but the customer’s name doesn’t come through. Make sure to test your emails before you send them out so you know you got the shortcode correct.

Abandoned Cart Email Strategy Tips

Now that you’ve seen some abandoned cart email examples, what can you take away from them? Let’s look at some of the best strategies to help you increase your conversion rates and sales.

Use the Right Copywriting Techniques

We’ve seen elegant, humerus, and straightforward copy. The right approach depends on your brand and audience.

If you sell goofy clothing, don’t be afraid to be goofy in your copy. Reinforce your brand and make your potential customers feel comfortable.

Add Creative Subject Lines

We didn’t look at subject lines for these emails, but they need to be even catchier than the emails themselves. Otherwise, your open rates will suffer.

Focus on snagging your audience’s attention. Add clever adjectives and powerful verbs to get your message across.

Be Personal and Specific

You can personalize your abandoned cart emails with the recipient’s name or simply use a casual, friendly approach. If the email sounds like it could have been sent by a close friend, you’ve done your job.

Offer an Incentive to the Buyer as Well as a Sense of Scarcity

We saw incentives and scarcity in abundance in the abandoned cart email examples above. Let your audience know that you’ll close out their shopping carts after a specific period of time or remind them that your inventory goes fast. Adding a discount code won’t hurt, either.

Offer Related Products to Get Upsells

Maybe your prospective customer decided the initial product wasn’t quite what they wanted. Showing them related products might get them back to your website and in your sales funnel again.

Use Hello Bar Exit Intent Popups on Your Website to Keep People From Leaving Their Carts

Remember, you don’t want people to abandon their shopping carts in the first place. Adding exit popups to your site — specifically the checkout pages — can work wonders.

An exit popup, as we saw earlier, takes over the entire screen. That’s why it’s also called a page takeover.

You can set up an exit intent popup in five minutes or less using Hello Bar. Create a compelling headline and an incentive to bring your visitors back and encourage them to finish the checkout process.


These abandoned cart email examples can inspire you to create your own. Don’t copy what you’ve seen here, but combine elements you like to create the perfect solution for your specific audience.

Do you use abandoned cart emails? Why or why not?